Friday 17 February 2012


Red dress can be tricky and simple in the same time. Heels or no heels, day or evening - same red dress can look amazing in all situations of life. And that is absolutely not true that only black, red or gold can look good with it. Mix and match different colours and you will get the most unexpected and pleasant surprises.

Mix up with orange
Don't be afraid to add orange to your red dress. Headband, shoes and bag - it can all have orange but the real trick here is to choose accessories that have mix of colours with orange in it. This way it will look lively and natural.

Make it light
Red, brown and light blue? It can work, just all you have to remember is to create link between your accessories. Light blue colour will make your outfit look fresh, while brown may give that right hint of cocktail-hour feel.

Vintage look
Red dress is so good with that very trendy now - 50ies inspired look. Any colour is good here, but I have to admit - beige accessories give that finished yet stylish touch.

Colour explosion
It can be so much fun adding lot's of colours. Letting them take over your red dress may be really fascinating and eye-catching while in the same time they will never overpower the dress itself.

Silver touch
Using silver with your red dress is not as popular as gold but that does not mean it looks worse. In fact it adds a bit of cold winter feel to hot red dress and creates very intriguing contrast.

Rare combination
This unusual red and purple combination can be very feminine and interesting. Here all you have to do is to choose right shades for your accessories and you are good to go.

Black, white and red combination
This type of combination is always so easy but somehow people tend to forget about it. Common opinion - it is something boring. On contrary it can be edgy and exciting, just choose pieces that are original on their own.

Go nude
Chosing nude coloured accessories when you wear red is sexy. It emphasizes your dress in the best way possible and lets it play main role in your outfit making the best statement.

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