Thursday 20 October 2011

Making Statement

There are times when we need to make statement, or we feel we need to do it. So we take out our most impressive dress or at least the one we think fits the profile. 4 ways to make right statement not overdoing it. As examples I will try to take dresses for different occasions.

1) Red - lighten up with colour

We all know red can be really hot for evening. Though we never think that sometimes sexy heaviness that deep reds offer is far too much for us to handle. If you do not need to show off how mature vamp-of-a-woman you are, think of adding some light pop of colours that will take heaviness off and add a bit more life.

If you have dress in a bit lighter more playful colour of red - be brave - add gold. In this case multiple colours will still be great as well, but if you are not afraid to show it off, gold is always an option. Though here you must be careful to choose accessories in same hue of gold and keep them all very matching. It's classic of glam after all!

2) Think of right prints

If your dress has prints, it is perfect time to take closer look at them. You will make great statement pairing up accessory or shoe or bag with same print that you have on dress. Key here is to know when to stop.

Though there is other, very special case of prints. Flower prints. In most cases they are already an accessory of a dress and statement in the same time. Here all you have to do is keep accessories as simple and as complementing as possible.

3) It is fine not to mix up colours

Statement can be made by making it all as simple as possible. Taking bold dress and pairing it up with same or very similar colour accessories, can make as great statement as any other outfit. Key here - accessorize simple but interesting.

As well with same colour outfit you can create a fabulous classy look, that everyone will love. Using dark colors will give u that perfect advantage at any work event, giving u mature and tasteful look that bosses and colleagues will appreciate.

4) It's all about texture

When you have dress that has quite a simple print but very interesting texture, you will want to emphasize exactly that. Think textures that complement each other. Choose accessories that make textures match and support dress not contrast with it and perfect statement look will come together.

Even if textured dress at first glance does not look like statement one, do not throw it away. They have this perfect quality of Cinderella to change in a second with right accessories. All you need is just be supportive: time wise - as it can take a while to accessorize it right, colour wise - preferably choose just one that looks most impressive or one u like the most and stick to it, and texture wise - try to complement texture of dress as much as u can. The result will definitely pay off your time and suffering.

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